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xfce4-timer-plugin - Timer

Xfce4-timer-plugin is a simple plugin that lets the user run an alarm at a specified time or at the end of a specified countdown period.


  1. Right-click on the added plugin, select Properties to open the settings window.

Panel Icon

The icon displays a progress bar showing the percentage of the time elapsed. The bar changes color when active from silver to blue. Left-clicking on the icon opens a menu of available alarms. After selecting one, the user can start or stop the timer by selecting the “start/stop timer” entry in the same menu. Right-clicking on it provides access to Properties.

Properties Window

The Xfce4 Timer Options window allows users to add, edit, remove and arrange alarms.

Each alarm is either a countdown or is run at a specified time. By default a simple dialog pops up at the end of the countdown.

The user can choose an external command to be run as the alarm command for all events, or for just a particular one. An option allows this command to be repeated a specified number of times with a given interval between repetitions. Here is an example that uses a simple ping:

play /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/completed.oga

A different external command may be used for a specific event by adding it in the Alarm add/edit window.

Known Issues

The icon may be nearly invisible against some themes. The colors being used can be adjusted with a code snippet in the css file. For GTK3, the following code can be used to adjust inactive (“trough”) and active (“progress”) colors. For example:

#PLUGIN_NAME progress {
background-color: silver;

#PLUGIN_NAME trough {
background-color: red;

The actual plugin name, usually something like *xfce4-timer-plugin-2* where the widget number at the end is particular to individual desktops, can be found by hovering over its widget on the Panel Properties > Items tab.

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The plugin window when idle and running:

Timer Plugin Idle Indicator
Timer Plugin Idle Indicator

Timer Plugin Active Indicator
Timer Plugin Active Indicator

Timer Plugin Alarm Selection and Starting Dialog
Timer Plugin Alarm Selection and Starting Dialog

Timer Plugin Prefences Dialog Window
Timer Plugin Prefences Dialog Window

Timer Plugin Alarm Add/Edit Dialog Window
Timer Plugin Alarm Add/Edit Dialog Window

Timer Plugin Alarm Window
Timer Plugin Alarm Window

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Latest Release

  • xfce4-timer-plugin 1.7.3 released (2024/12/25 10:13)


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Reporting Bugs

  • Reporting Bugs – List of currently open bugs and instructions on how to submit new bug reports

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