xfce4-session - Frequently Asked Questions

Some of my applications are always started when I login

There are two possible reasons why the application is started: It is saved in the last session or it is listed in the auto started applications. Follow 1 of the two steps below to get rid of the applications.

I'm unable to shutdown or restart my computer when running Xfce.

There are two way to fix this: sudo and hal/dbus. Default starting from version 4.4 is hal.

Using sudo

You have to allow the user(s) to execute <prefix>/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper with sudo. <prefix>/libexec/ may be changed on your distribution, i.e. /usr/lib/xfce4/session/. Install sudo and run visudo (root) and add the following line (replace prefix with the correct path):

 %users ALL = NOPASSWD:<prefix>/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper

Add the user to the users group (root):

 gpasswd -a <username> users

Add the user to the power group:

 gpasswd -a <username> power

When you logout and login again, the shutdown and restart buttons should be sensitive. For more information you can referrer to the xfce4-session and sudo documentation.

Using hal and dbus

Make sure that the hal and dbus daemons are started on boot, and that you are running a recent version of dbus (at least 1.1). Refer to your distribution for exact steps.

In the steps below the groupname “power” is used. This is DEPENDING ON YOUR DISTRIBUTION.

Your /etc/dbus-1/system.d/hal.conf should contain a section similar to this:

<policy group="power">
  <allow send_interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement"/>

Add the user to the power group (root):

 gpasswd -a <username> power

When you logout and login again, the shutdown and restart buttons should be sensitive.

I don't see the logout dialog when I press the quit button

Enable the checkbox “Prompt on logout” in the session manager settings.

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