xfce4-panel - Window Buttons

The Window Buttons panel plugin allows allows you to switch between application windows using buttons.


Window button's Properties Dialog
Window Button's Properties Dialog Window

Style Properties

Do not expect max-button-length, min-button-length and max-button-size to really work as intended before 4.19.4: see https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/-/issues/683.
/* The maximum length of a button before the label ellipsizes.
   When this value is set to -1 the button will expand to the
   entire available space. */
.tasklist {
  -XfceTasklist-max-button-length: 200;
/* The minimum length of a button, even if the label is smaller. */
.tasklist {
  -XfceTasklist-min-button-length: 50;
/* The maximum size controls the number of lines on which
   buttons rearrange themselves: panel-size / max-button-size.
   So the button size can actually be up to 2 * max-button-size.
   When this value is set to -1 there is no maximum size. */
.tasklist { 
  -XfceTasklist-max-button-size: 32;
/* Ellipsizing used in the task list and overflow menu labels. */
.tasklist {
  -XfceTasklist-ellipsize-mode: PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END;
/* Lucency of minimized icons. Valid values are between 0 (completely
  hide the icon) and 100 (don't lighten the icon). */
.tasklist { 
  -XfceTasklist-minimized-icon-lucency: 50;
/* Maximum number of characters in the menu label before it will
   be ellipsized. When this value is set to -1, the width will be
   calculated automatically. */
.tasklist {
  -XfceTasklist-menu-max-width-chars: 24;

Theming Examples

/* window button font color */
/* NORMAL */
.tasklist button {
    color: #ffffff;
.tasklist button:hover {
    color: #ffffff;
/* ACTIVE - only while being clicked */
.tasklist button:active {
    color: #000000;
.tasklist button:checked {
    color: #000000;
/* icon text not truncated */
XfdesktopIconView.view {
   -XfdesktopIconView-ellipsize-icon-labels: 0;

See the theming section for more information.

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