{{ :xfce:xfce.xfwm4.png?no link|}}
====== xfwm4 - Getting Started ======
The contents of this page needs to be checked with the latest Xfwm4 behaviour! It contains a lot of old stuff.
* ** [[#Give focus to a window|Give focus to a window]]**
* ** [[#Maximize / unmaximize windows|Maximize / unmaximize windows]]**
* ** [[#Resize windows|Resize windows]]**
* ** [[#Hide / unhide windows|Hide / unhide windows]]**
* ** [[#Shade / unshade windows|Shade / unshade windows]]**
* ** [[#Stick / unstick windows|Stick / unstick windows]]**
* ** [[#Raise / lower windows|Raise / lower windows]]**
* ** [[#Move windows|Move windows]]**
* ** [[#Move a window to another workspace|Move a window to another workspace]]**
* ** [[#Close a window|Close a window]]**
===== Give focus to a window =====
You need to give the focus to a window if you want it to receive keyboard and mouse input. Window decorations colors will change, following the focus. To obtain more details about focus options, please refer to the corresponding section below.
A keyboard shortcut allows to switch the focus from a window to others : Hold {key>Alt} and then you can press {key>Tab} repeatedly until you get to the window you want to focus. If you use it, you will see a small pop-up showing the application name, its icon and the window title. Also xfwm4 will highlight the outline of the window that will receive the focus.
The use of a keyboard shortcut in an application needs the application window to have the focus.
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===== Maximize / unmaximize windows =====
If you maximize a window, it will expand on your display and use all available space (as it is defined by workspace settings). You can maximize a window either vertically, horizontally, or both at once.
To maximize a window, perform one of those actions:
* click the maximize button of the title bar
* open the window menu from the title bar and choose the {gui>Maximize} item
* use {key>Alt+F5} keyboard shortcut
You can make any window appear in fullscreen mode (it will then use all the size of your screen without showing the window borders) by using the customizable {key>Alt+F11} keyboard shortcut.
To maximize a window vertically :
* middle-click the maximize button of the title bar
* use {key>Alt+F6} keyboard shortcut
To maximize a window horizontally:
* right-click the maximize button of the title bar
* use {key>Alt+F7} keyboard shortcut
When a window has been maximized in a way or another, it can be restored to its previous size doing one of these actions:
* click the unmaximize button of the title bar
* use the same keyboard shortcut once again
* choose the {gui>Unmaximize} item in the window menu
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===== Resize windows =====
Although certain special windows can not be resized, you are able to resize most of them to fit your needs.
* you can use the edges and corners of the window frame to modify its size, dragging them with the mouse
* you can use the {key>Alt+Right Click} shortcut while you hold the mouse pointer anywhere over the window frame; it will act as if you were dragging the bottom-right corner of the window
* you can use practical keyboard shortcuts : {key>Shift+Alt+(up, down, right or left) Arrow}
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===== Hide / unhide windows =====
You can hide a window performing one of these actions :
* click the hide button of the title bar
* open the window menu from the title bar and choose the "Hide" item
* use {key>Alt+F8} keyboard shortcut
Alternatively, you can hide all windows of current workspace, excepted the one you are using, in only one action : click the menu button of the title bar and choose "Hide all others".
To "unhide" a window, you will have to select its name or its icon in one of those Xfce 4 components :
* xftaskbar4
* the list of windows, accessible with a middle-click on the desktop background. This list shows all opened windows, classified by workspaces. Windows that are currently hidden are marked between [ ].
* the xfce4-iconbox
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===== Shade / unshade windows =====
If you "shade" a window, it will be reduced to the size of its title bar. The same repeated action makes a window to shade/unshade :
* click the shade/unshade button of the title bar
* open the window menu from the title bar and choose "Shade" or "Unshade" item
* use the mouse scrollwheel while you hold the pointer over the title bar
* use the {key>Alt+F9} keyboard shortcut
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===== Stick / unstick windows =====
If you "stick" a window, it will be visible at the same place on all your workspaces. The same repeated action make a window to stick/unstick :
* click the stick/unstick button of the title bar
* open the window menu button from the title bar and choose "Stick" or "Unstick" item
* use the {key>Alt+F10} keyboard shortcut
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===== Raise / lower windows =====
The "raise window" function makes a window frame appear above all the other frames. To raise a window, you can :
* left click on its titlebar
* give the focus to the window, if the corresponding option is selected in the Keyboard and focus preferences dialog
* left click anywhere on its frame, if the corresponding option is selected in the Keyboard and focus preferences dialog
* click on its label in the taskbar or the iconbox
* use the {key>Shift+Alt+Page_Up} keyboard shortcut (if the window is already focused)
You can make a window frame to always stay above all other windows by opening the window menu and selecting the "always on top" item.
The "lower" function sends a window frame below all other frames. To "lower" a window, you can :
* middle-click on its title bar
* use the {key>Shift+Alt+Page_Down} keyboard shortcut (if the window is focused)
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===== Move windows =====
There are several ways to move windows :
* left or right click on the title bar of the window and drag it
* use {key>Alt+left click} while the pointer is anywhere over the window frame and move the mouse
* use {key>Control+Alt+Shift+(up, down, left or right) Arrow} keyboard shortcut
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===== Move a window to another workspace =====
You can send a window to another workspace by performing one of these actions :
* stick the window, move to another workspace, then unstick the window.
* use the window menu and choose one of the "Send to" submenu items.
* left or right click on the title bar of the window, drag it to the screen edge : the pointer will then go to the next workspace, still holding the window. Corresponding option needs to be selected in the Window Manager Preferences dialog.
* use keyboard shortcuts :
* {key>Alt+Control+End} will move a window to the next workspace
* {key>Alt+Control+Home} will move a window to the previous workspace
* {key>Alt+Control+Keypad-Number} will move the current window to corresponding workspace
* use the graphical pager by clicking on the representation of the window, and move it to the desired workspace.
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===== Close a window =====
To close a window :
* click the close button of the title bar
* Open the window menu from the title bar and choose the "Close" item
* or use {key>Alt+F4} keyboard shortcut
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