{{ :xfce:xfce4-session.png?nolink|}}
====== xfce4-session - Preferences ======
* **[[#General|General]]**
* **[[#Application Autostart|Application Autostart]]**
* **[[#Session|Session]]**
* **[[#Advanced|Advanced]]**
===== General =====
{{:xfce:xfce4-session:4.18xfce4-session-preferences-general.png?600|Session Preferences General Settings Tab}}
? Display chooser on login
! If set, the session manager will ask you to choose a session every time you log in to Xfce.
? Automatically save session on logout
! This option instructs the session manager to save the current session automatically when you log out. If you don't select this option you'll be prompted whether you want to save the current session on each logout.
? Prompt on logout
! This option disables the logout confirmation dialog. Whether the session will be saved or not depends on whether you enabled the automatic saving of sessions on logout or not.
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===== Application Autostart =====
{{:xfce:xfce4-session:4.18:xfce4-session-preferences-autostart.png?600|Session Preferences Application Autostart Settings Tab}}
This list contains applications that can be started automatically based on certain triggers, e.g. session start, logout etc. You can add or remove applications. Furthermore all applications that have their desktop files stored in a user-writable location can be edited.
If a saved session is restored, all services from that saves session will be started //in addition// to the items that are checked in this list.
All items in Italic font style belong to a different Desktop Environment, you can however still enable them.
? Trigger
! In this dropdown menu you can select when you want to trigger the selected action. This allows to run custom commands e.g. on logout, suspend etc.
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===== Session =====
{{:xfce:xfce4-session:4.18:xfce4-session-preferences-session.png?600|Session Preferences Active Session Settings Tab}}
{{:xfce:xfce4-session:4.18:xfce4-session-preferences-saved-sessions.png?600|Session Preferences Saved Sessions Tab}}
Please note that changing e.g. **Priority** or **Restart Style** of an item in the list only takes effect if you save your session (by clicking the **Save Session** button).
? Restart Style
! In this dropdown menu you can select how an application shall be restarted by the session manager.
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===== Advanced =====
{{:xfce:xfce4-session:4.18:xfce4-session-preferences-advanced.png?600|Session Preferences Advanced Settings Tab}}
? Launch GNOME services on startup
! Enable this option if you need the GNOME keyring daemon to be run on startup.
? Launch KDE services on startup
! Enable this option if you plan to run KDE applications as part of your Xfce Desktop session. This will notably increase the startup time, but on the other hand, KDE applications will startup faster. Some KDE applications may not work at all if you don't enable this option.
? Manage remote applications
! Allow the session manager to manage applications running on remote hosts. Since this option may constitute a security risk, by listening to a TCP port on your system, do not enable it unless you know what you are doing.
! System administrators may want to disable this option globally using the session managers [[advanced#Kiosk Mode|KIOSK capabilities]].
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