{{ :xfce:xfce4-panel.png?nolink|}}
====== xfce4-panel - Window Menu ======
The //Window Menu// panel plugin allows you to switch between application windows using a menu.
* **[[#Appearance|Appearance]]**
* **[[#Filtering|Filtering]]**
* **[[#Style Properties|Style Properties]]**
===== Properties =====
{{:xfce:xfce4-panel:4.18:window_menu.png|Window Menu Properties Dialog}}
===== Appearance =====
? Button Layout
! Changes the appearance of the //Window Menu// icon in the panel.
? Icon
! Displays the icon of the application window that is currently in focus.
? Arrow
! Displays a dropdown arrow instead of an application icon.
? Show workplace actions
! Enables the ability to add or remove workspaces from within the //Window Menu//.
? Show workspace names
! Displays the names of available workspaces in the menu.
? Enable emergency notification
! Enables emergency notification for applications which require immediate focus.
===== Filtering =====
? Show windows from all workspaces
! When enabled, the //Window Menu// shows windows from all available workspaces. When disabled, only windows from the current workspace will be shown.
===== Style Properties =====
You can set a custom icon size in gtk-icon-sizes with the name ''panel-window-menu''. The default icon size is 16px. Note that the window icons are 16 or 32 pixels, all other sizes will result in scaling. Special widget name in this plugin is ''windowmenu-button''.
# Ellipsizing used in the menu label.
* { -XfceWindowMenuPlugin-ellipsize-mode: PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE; }
# Maximum number of characters in the menu label before it will
# be ellipsized. When this value is set to -1, the width will be
# calculated automatically.
* { -XfceWindowMenuPlugin-max-width-chars:24; }
# Lucency of minimized icons. Valid values are between 0 (completely
# hide the icon) and 100 (don't lighten the icon).
* { -XfceWindowMenuPlugin-minimized-icon-lucency: 50; }
See the [[theming|theming section]] for more information.
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