{{ :panel-plugins:xfce4-windowck-plugin:wckbuttons-plugin.png?48nolink|}}
====== xfce4-windock-plugin - Windowck Plugin ======
A set of three plugins which allows putting buttons, title and menu of active or maximized windows on the panel.
* **[[#Usage|Usage]]**
* **[[#Screenshots|Screenshots]]**
* **[[#Latest Release|Latest Release]]**
* **[[#Source Code Repository|Source Code Repository]]**
* **[[#Reporting Bugs|Reporting Bugs]]**
This code is derived from original [[http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=103732|'Window Applets']] by Andrej Belcijan.
===== Usage =====
Add the desired window headers plugins to the panel.
You can specify the behaviour and appearance in the proprieties dialog (controlled windows, show/hide buttons, theme, title formatting options...).
===== Features =====
* Show the title, buttons and menu of maximized windows on the panel.
* Allow window actions on buttons and title clicks (activate, (un)maximize, close).
* Allow window action menu on left button click.
* Title formatting options.
* Xfwm4/Unity theming support for buttons.
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===== Screenshots =====
{{:panel-plugins:xfce4-windowck-plugin-menu-dialog.png|Windows Header Option Menu Dialog Windows}}
{{:panel-plugins:xfce4-windowck-plugin-title-dialog.png|Windows Header Option Title Dialog Windows}}
{{:panel-plugins:xfce4-windowck-plugin-button-dialog.png|Windows Header Option Button Dialog Windows}}
{{:panel-plugins:xfce4-windowck-plugin:windowck-plugin-1.png?600|Windows Header Option Dialog Windows}}
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===== Latest Release =====
{{rss>https://archive.xfce.org/feeds/project/xfce4-windowck-plugin 1 date 2h}}
[[https://gitlab.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-windowck-plugin/-/blob/master/NEWS|Read the CHANGELOG]]
* **[[https://archive.xfce.org/src/panel-plugins/xfce4-windowck-plugin/|Download current release]]** (older versions of this component are also available here)
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===== Source Code Repository =====
===== Reporting Bugs =====
* **[[:panel-plugins:xfce4-windowck-plugin:bugs|Reporting Bugs]]** -- List of currently open bugs and instructions on how to submit new bug reports
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