~~NOTOC~~ {{ :xfce:xfce.notification.png?no link|}} ====== xfce4-notifyd - Xfce Notification service ====== * **[[#Settings|Settings]]** * **[[#Latest Release|Latest Release]]** * **[[#Source Code Repository|Source Code Repository]]** * **[[#Reporting Bugs|Reporting Bugs]]** ---- ===== Introduction ===== Xfce4-notifyd is a notification service for the Xfce Desktop that implements //most of// the "server-side" portion of the Freedesktop desktop notifications specification. Applications that wish to pop up a notification bubble in a standard way can make use of the xfce4-notifyd service by sending standard messages over D-Bus using the ''org.freedesktop.Notifications'' interface. [[https://developer.gnome.org/notification-spec|Read the specification here.]] * **[[:apps:xfce4-notifyd:faq|Frequently Asked Questions]]** * **[[:apps:xfce4-notifyd:preferences|Preferences Dialog]]** -- Customize your notification settings * **[[:apps:xfce4-notifyd:spec|Specification implementation]]** -- Which parts of which specifications are implemented and supported * **[[:apps:xfce4-notifyd:theming|Theming Examples]]** -- How to create a notification theme ---- ===== Settings ===== Several new features have been added in Xfce's Notification service, including a notifications log, the possibility to disable notifications per application, a global 'Do Not Disturb' mode, which inhibits all notifications, and finally a new animation ('slide out').
=== Panel Plugin === A new panel plugin was added which provides quick access to both the 'Do Not Disturb' mode as well as the log of recent notifications.
[[|Back to Top]] ---- ===== Latest Release ===== {{rss>https://archive.xfce.org/feeds/project/xfce4-notifyd 1 date description 2h}} * **[[https://archive.xfce.org/src/apps/xfce4-notifyd/|Previous Releases]]** [[|Back to Top]] ---- ===== Source Code Repository ===== [[https://gitlab.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-notifyd|]] ---- ===== Reporting Bugs ===== * **[[:apps:xfce4-notifyd:bugs|Reporting Bugs]]** -- Open bug reports and how to report new bugs [[|Back To Top]] ---- [[:start|Back to main Xfce documentation page]]