{{ :apps:gigolo.png?nolink|}}
====== Gigolo - remote filesystem management frontend ======
* **[[#Usage|Usage]]**
* **[[#Screenshots|Screenshots]]**
* **[[#Dependencies|Dependencies]]**
* **[[#Latest Release|Latest Release]]**
* **[[#Source Code Repository|Source Code Repository]]**
* **[[#Reporting Bugs|Reporting Bugs]]**
===== Introduction =====
Gigolo is a frontend to easily manage connections to remote filesystems using
GIO/GVfs. It allows you to quickly connect/mount local and remote filesystems and manage
bookmarks of such.
GVfs is an userspace virtual filesystem and the successor of GnomeVfs but doesn't
depend on Gnome itself. It only requires a recent GLib version and a properly setup
DBus system. Then it provides almost transparent access to remote
resources like FTP or SFTP (SSH) connections, SMB (windows shares) or special resources like ''trash://'', ''burn://'' or even accessing your digital photo camera.
For more information and additional help, please see the [[http://www.uvena.de/gigolo/|gigolo homepage]].
===== Usage =====
You can start Gigolo in the following ways:
* From the Desktop Environment menu:
Choose in your application menu of your used Desktop Environment:
System --> Gigolo.
* From the command line:
To start Gigolo from a command line, type the following and press Return::
$ gigolo
* To get a list of available command line options, run::
$ gigolo --help
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===== Screenshots =====
{{:apps:gigolo:4.18:gigolo_iconview.png?600|Gigolo Main Window (Icon View)}}
{{:apps:gigolo:4.18:gigolo_preferences.png|Gigolo Main Window (Detailed View)}}
{{:apps:gigolo:4.18:gigolo_detailedview.png|Gigolo Bookmark Edit Dialog Window}}
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===== Dependencies =====
For compiling Gigolo, you will need the GTK (>= 2.12.0) libraries
and header files. You will also need its dependency libraries and header
files, such as Pango, Cairo, Glib and ATK. All these files are available at
Furthermore you need, of course, a C compiler as well as the intltool package.
* GTK 2.12 or newer
* GLib 2.16 or newer
* GVfs (in any version)
* intltool
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===== Latest Release =====
{{rss>https://archive.xfce.org/feeds/project/gigolo 1 date 2h}}
[[https://gitlab.xfce.org/apps/gigolo/-/blob/master/NEWS|Read the CHANGELOG]]
* **[[https://archive.xfce.org/src/apps/gigolo/|Download current release]]** (link also contains older versions)
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===== Source Code Repository =====
===== Reporting Bugs =====
* **[[:apps:gigolo:bugs|Reporting Bugs]]** -- Open bug reports and how to report new bugs
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