~~NOTOC~~ {{ :apps:catfish.png?nolink|}} ====== Catfish - Command-line Options ====== The general usage of the command line options is: catfish [OPTION...] path query Here is a summary of all the options. Explanations are in the following sections. ? Application Options ! --version; -h, --help; -v, --verbose; --large-icons; --thumbnails; --iso-time; --exact; --hidden; --fulltext; --start ---- ===== Application Options ===== ? --version ! Show Catfish version number and exit ? -h, --help ! Show command-line options and exit ? -v, --verbose ! Show debug messages (-vv increases verbosity) ? --large-icons ! Display results with large icons instead of thumbnails ? --thumbnails ! Display results with thumbnails instead of large icons ? --iso-time ! Display timestamps in ISO format ? --exact ! Perform "exact" searches, where search results must match the query string completely ? --hidden ! Include hidden files in the search results ? --fulltext ! Perform "fulltext" searches, where search results contain the query string in the file contents ? --start ! If path and query are provided, start searching when Catfish is started [[|Back To Top]] ---- [[ :apps:catfish:4.20:start |Return to Catfish 4.20 Main Documentation Page]]